Thursday, January 30, 2014


Hello paper crafters! 

First and foremost...Hurray, it's Sale-a-Bration time!!!
From now until March 31, 2014, each $50 purchase will earn a free product from the Sale-A-Bration catalog (pages 11-17). There are 13 different items to choose from. Plus there's no limit to how many freebies you can earn! Spend $100 get 2 free products. Even better, spend $150 and earn 3 freebies plus free host dollars to spend on any catalog item. The more you buy the more free stuff! 

Check out the Free Stuff...

Secondly...Sorry I've been MIA, missing in action. November and December were hectic months for me. Aside from the traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas duties, my son kept me even busier than usual. I planned his 6th Birthday party. I chaperoned field trips. I made numerous treats and goodie bags for his classmates in honor of his birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We traveled a little and hosted out of town visitors. Oh yeah, and I myself, turned another year older. Whew! I managed to get it all done, however the exhaustion left me sick for Christmas. Ugh! 
Oh well, on to a new and exciting year. I hope to have some new posts and videos for you soon, so please stay tuned!